*.* Quotes *.*

"Love is a verb. Love – the feeling – is the fruit of love the verb or our loving actions. So love her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Empathize. Appreciate. Affirm her."

Be Proactive. If there isn't a solution, be the solution. Make things happen.

Begin with the end in mind. Know where you're going before you go, and you'll get there eventually.

Put first things first. Sure, everyone is important, but who is important to you?

Think win-win. It can be amazing for the both of us, lets make it happen.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood. I'm listening, are you?

Synergise. 1+1=3, believe.

Sharpen the saw. There's much to improve on, but we could start by starting here

The Sun

Name: Jun Wen
Birthday: *01/10/91

My Friends




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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This song is.... magical.
Is it the fairy tale setting?
The dress she's wearing in the MV?
Or do I just have a weakness for songs with lyrics that change just a bit right at the end?

Could be all of the above.

Anyway it managed to persuade me to buy Fearless.
2nd english album in a week.
2nd english album in my life too. lol.
The previous being David Archuleta's David Archuleta ( I did NOT make a mistake)

Taylor Swift has got better hits, Love Story simply trumps Crush, which is also magical. David Archuleta songs have a more consistent standard and generally manage to make an impression though.

Oh, and I got my common test results.
Mmm not very nice, I can already hear teachers and others talking about how I'm not working to my full potential---experience from SJI.

But its okay, I have begun with the end in mind, and I have identified the principles that will lead to that end. I'll be just fine (:

I blogged @ | 4:39 PM


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Be proactive.
Begin with the end in mind.

Put it in life.

I blogged @ | 8:43 PM


Sunday, March 08, 2009

Look, here's how it goes:
There's no middle ground. No such thing as mere "acquaintance", or, in less refined words, "I don't hate him but I don't like him either, its neutral."

The bottom line: Its either you are my friend, or you are my enemy.

Up to this point, I have shown enough tolerance on my part towards you, out of respect. But I'm good at inferring thoughts from actions, and from your actions I infer that you have chosen to be an enemy instead of an ally.

I can be a nice person, but I'm even more talented at being a bastard-- and very much more inclined to be a bastard. Do not breach my tolerance level.
I guarantee you won't like it.

Good luck.

I blogged @ | 8:43 PM
