*.* Quotes *.*

"Love is a verb. Love – the feeling – is the fruit of love the verb or our loving actions. So love her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Empathize. Appreciate. Affirm her."

Be Proactive. If there isn't a solution, be the solution. Make things happen.

Begin with the end in mind. Know where you're going before you go, and you'll get there eventually.

Put first things first. Sure, everyone is important, but who is important to you?

Think win-win. It can be amazing for the both of us, lets make it happen.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood. I'm listening, are you?

Synergise. 1+1=3, believe.

Sharpen the saw. There's much to improve on, but we could start by starting here

The Sun

Name: Jun Wen
Birthday: *01/10/91

My Friends




insert ur tagboard code here

Created by Charisma
Found at Blogskins

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chill out guys, anonymous as you may wish to remain.

I'll offer a compromise -- its hardly a surrender, but I guess it doesn't affect you in any way. It remains largely a mystery to me WHY you'd rather spend time tagging on my blog instead of going to mug your H3 chem, really.

I was probably wrong on one occasion. Just one. Fine, the H3 chem people may not be fidiots. But thats about as far as you're going to get.
Fact remains I'm better at chem, even if you're not stupid.
In that area, at the very least, I have not been beaten, no, not by any of you.
And if you stop by the principal's board, yes, you will have to agree with me.

But I'll stop harping on the other subjects. Fine, you win there (bloody mugger with no life). Mugging is hardly an imprisonable offense. I accept that. Its my fault I don't have that discipline. I won't even argue with you bout GP, now thats a handicap in your favour.

So, if you really are still unhappy, please, stop wasting time here.
Simply speak to me in person or reveal your identity.
We will settle academic conflicts where it belongs.
A level results, eh? Whoever you are, you're on.
Now get some guts.

I blogged @ | 7:44 PM


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oooo what a heated response.
Took me about 5 seconds to counter all the arguments, though, what a shame.

Try harder dude, and get some guts or something equivalent.
If you need to hide your name before you can voice your hate , and even have to resort to depending on others to beat me, obviously you aren't fit to criticise me.

Still boring.

I blogged @ | 7:35 PM


Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm arrogant, get over it already.
I don't recall asking anyone to come be my friend, or anything similar you know.

btw, if you have opinions bout me, its really fine. Could you, however, phrase them with a tad more flavour, so that shallow though your opinions may be, they may look somewhat more interesting?

Its getting boring for me.

I blogged @ | 8:27 PM


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Foolish fool spouting foolish
foolishness, just as I expect
of a foolish fool such as you.

Me. Chem tuition. I could tutor you, whoever you are, dude.

I blogged @ | 6:25 PM


Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm not gonna try and pretend the outburst on my own tagboard was just an overly warm respond to a nice comment.
I hate anything and everything that has something to do with H3 Chem. I once thought "H3 Chem" meant that the canditate was already supremely proficcient in the subject, therefore giving reason for him/her to receive additional information. I thought.

It seems to me now, that you DON'T have to be even proficcient in the subject. Lets face it, 70 for chem isn't hard to get. AT ALL. Any person who has a shred of intelligence with any trace of discipline can just grab the notes, go through it relentlessly for a week, and get a borderline A. A 70. Getting a 70 DOES NOT signify that the person is competent in the subject, it only shows the person was smart enough to go and study for a bit. In fact, even a 89, 88, does not reflect total mastery of the subject. It does, however, reflect a superiority in understanding of the subject over the 70-ers.

Why then, should a person who's not even highly profficient, or mildly interested, in the subject be allowed to take a "H3" version of the subject? Look, I may not be the most interested or most profficient in chem. But compared to 99.99% of the "H3 elites" out there, I'll bet you anything my passion and understanding of the subject is much greater.

Fine, so you can't beat me in arguing cos I'm a bastard who likes to throw mind boggling sentence structures and unsettling arguments at you, and also because you can't keep up with the flow of my sentences. So go ahead, call me a whiner, say the other people met the target of "all A and B" while I, the loser, didn't manage to do it. But hey, LOOK! its called H3 CHEM, for fuck's sake, WHY SHOULD ANYONE CARE BOUT THE OTHER SUBJECTS.

I feel like just giving up on the subject as a whole. I don't even understand why I'm doing the stupid tutorials on time. I feel like I should just leave chem alone and treat it like any other subject, like maths. What for...?

The worst part is that my closest friend is among them. So I can't hate as much as I'd like to. zz.

I blogged @ | 8:53 PM


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Had the 1st chem lecture of the year today...
Nothing astronomically difficult...
But there's something about chem is bugging me.
Everytime the word "H3" is mentioned, it jumps out at me like a sting.

2nd (tied position) in level for chem... not taking H3 chem, while fidiots with barely more than 70% take it. Ironic.

Chem lessons will never be the same again. While I remain to pursue my perfect excellence in the subject, its no longer out of passion. Its out of vengeance. I swear I'll beat every H3 chem canditates in the subject they're supposed to be so good at that they have to go learn extra stuff. Every.Single.One.Of.Them.

I blogged @ | 8:48 PM


Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Lets just... forget bout posting about china and japan alright?
I doubt I have the ability to accurately imprint the experiences onto words anyway... so I might as well save myself of the humiliation.
I have the pictures to help me remember... so a post doesn't seem neccessary.

I guess this is supposed to be a new year post... of sorts. Never mind that it is a few days late.

The holidays have passed in a flurry, mm, what am I talking about, the whole of 2008 passed in a flurry. I remember the day I started out in JC... uncertain of whether I'll ever make it to J2 -- JC was still a risky option for me then. And poof, I'm a J2 all of a sudden. It seems my worries were misplaced, thats one thing that surprised me, among many. That one would be a pleasant surprise, no doubt. One of the few among a rather long list of surprises. So many changes... all within a year. So many new friendships, I must have tried my hand at friendship-- at which I am exceptionally bad-- more than the other years put together. Unsurprisingly many of these tries turned out as....well, failures.

Sounds mean? Mmm, yea, get used to it.

I'm testing my theories, on friendship and such. I've never found an area where my theories can get more wrong though. What little success I've had should be attributed to luck more than anything else.

Disappointment, its something I've had to deal with. Though I guess the year has humbled me, by a fraction of an inch or so, so that I realise that perhaps I've disappointed a fair number of people as well. Broken promises... my word was absolute, back then... I was certain. But you were right, things change, in a manner which I cannot comprehend. My word still holds, of course, if you ever find a need...or more importantly, if you don't mind.

All in all... a rather...exotic year. Gifts? Finally learning how to properly apply my abilities is a gift I guess. And the ups and downs, and all the drifting aparts, I might get motion sickness soon. But I guess to the many...they would say those experiences are gifts as well?

I beg to differ.

I blogged @ | 8:09 PM
