Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Eh last hour of my 16th year... It feels weird... But I've been feeling weird ever since I wrote the compo titled 《错过》for H2 chinese today. Put too much feelings into it, I guess? I must be damn pro to be affected by a love story I wrote myself. Oh well, at least that means I'll get a rather high score... I hope. I'll be 17 tomorrow...later...zomg... Birthdays have always been a solitary event, I guess this year won't be very much different, since its in the middle of promos, and its not helped by the fact that I'm not exactly popularity king either. Still, thanks to those who have remembered. You know who you are, even if you're not reading this. (Wait, did that make any sense?) oh well. Yea.
I blogged @ | 11:09 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A series of wrong choices. Took H2 chinese at the beginning of the year, so that I could say I took 4H2, and look better. Big mistake. Studied in a manner uncharacteristic of me to suit my image as " 4 H2 ". Hardly anyone knows the real Jw. Mistake. Lost sight of important things. Obsessed with studies, with winning. Mistake. Now... promos are here... The final step to the H3 chem I've been seeking. Will it be: "Took H3 chem to further prove my abilities to look better. Big mistake."? Lets put that aside...and study anyway, I'll think about it when I can actually take H3.
I blogged @ | 10:13 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Gonna update this place for abit. Like with extremely scant detail. Today was Alvin's birthday, celebrated for abit, the usual 5 students (si song, joel, lennon, randall, me). It wasn't much... but at least it felt somewhat like a celebration, haven't felt that in awhile. The TWENTY NINE candle cake. We did that to irritate Alvin. Anyway... Been studying physics... I reckon I'm rather affluent at it now. Looking back, from good at nothing. To good at Chem. To good at Chem and Maths. To good at Chem and Maths and Physics. I've come a long way, but there's always a higher stage. And another one after that. I've come a long way, but not quite far enough.
I blogged @ | 9:41 PM
Monday, September 08, 2008
I'm moving on... to a more private blog. While people don't normally tag, I've come to realise, albeit abit late, that there are actually people reading what I post. I always maintained that the only reason I'm owning a blog is for my own reading in the future, and owning a blog which is linked in several other blogs goes against that belief. Words as lethal as a thousand swords -- my words. They were never meant to harm, but the very nature of them tends to offend most of the time. My thoughts, my ideas. I'm still certain I'm right. But since nobody seems to think so... Its pretty much okay. Everyone has their own path to walk. I choose the path to success. I'll walk it alone, if I have to, which seems likely. Goodbye oblivioncastle.
I blogged @ | 7:56 PM